Download ebook Virtual Billions : The Genius, the Drug Lord, and the Ivy League Twins Behind the Rise of Bitcoin in FB2


Bitcoin, the digital currency, was introduced in 2009 with little fanfare; five years later, shocking the world, it was worth $14 billion. This book explores the cyber currency by focusing on the remarkable stories and intriguing personalities ofthose responsible for its sudden success: Satoshi Nakamoto, the reclusive and anonymous genius who created Bitcoin; Ross Ulbricht, aka the Dread Pirate Roberts, administrator of the largest and most successful Dark Web drug superstore, using Bitcoin to fuel online sale of drugs, hacking services, counterfeit money, and assassinations; and Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, Harvard graduates, successful litigants vs. Facebook, world-class Olympic rowers, and Bitcoin entrepreneurs who own 1 percent of all bitcoins in existence. Bringing the complicated financial and technical details down to earth, this absorbing narrative is equal parts "Sherlock Holmes, Breaking Bad," and "The Social Network." Readers will be engrossed by the reclusive genius who waged a one-man war against the global banking system (and he's winning); the quiet and affable computer geek who, until his arrest, profited handsomely from Silk Road, his online drug superstore; and the multitalented Harvard twins, who made a fortune from an intellectual-property suit against Mark Zuckerberg, and now are the chief promoters of Bitcoin as "the next big thing." Bitcoin has introduced us to coke-fueled coding gurus, anger-crazed hitmen-hiring millionaires, and canny "Bitcoin miners" avidly adding processing power to their chilly Icelandic server farms to generate millions of dollars every month. Absurd and almost unbelievable stories abound, and sweep the reader along through the living and breathing, passionate and paranoid insiders who made it all happen.", Equal parts The Social Network, Sherlock Holmes, and Breaking Bad, this book explains Bitcoin through the stories of the fascinating people behind its rise: Satoshi Nakamofo, the reclusive genius who founded Bitcoin; Ross Ulbricht, the Dark Web overlord who used Bitcoin to power his online drug superstore Silk Road; and the Winklevoss twins, the celebrity businessmen who struck gold twice in the some decade with Facebook and Bitcoin. They represent Bitcoin's childhood, rebellious youth, and painful awakening into maturity. Bitcoin's story is not of a soulless digital currency but the dedicated people and larger-than-life characters who worked to bring it into existence. Bitcoin's explosive rapid, and unprecedented growth is one of the craziest and most improbable events in the history of the world. This book answers the fundamental question: How on earth did this happen? Book jacket.

Virtual Billions : The Genius, the Drug Lord, and the Ivy League Twins Behind the Rise of Bitcoin by Eric Geissinger MOBI read online book